Pronunciation: ' är-m ə - ˌ chu ̇ r, -ch ə r, - ˌ tyu ̇ r, - ˌ tu ̇ r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, armor, from Latin armatura armor, equipment, from armatus
Date: 15th century
1 : an organ or structure (as teeth or thorns) for offense or defense
2 a : a piece of soft iron or steel that connects the poles of a magnet or of adjacent magnets b : a usually rotating part of an electric machine (as a generator or motor) which consists essentially of coils of wire around a metal core and in which electric current is induced or in which the input current interacts with a magnetic field to produce torque c : the movable part of an electromagnetic device (as a loudspeaker) d : a framework used by a sculptor to support a figure being modeled in a plastic material e : FRAMEWORK 1A <the armature of the book derives from fourteenth century England ― Stanley Kauffmann>