Pronunciation: ' b ē t
Function: verb
Inflected Form: beat ; beat · en \ ' b ē -t ə n \ or beat ; beat · ing
Etymology: Middle English beten, from Old English b ē atan; akin to Old High German b ō zan to beat
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1 : to strike repeatedly: a : to hit repeatedly so as to inflict pain ― often used with up b : to walk on : TREAD < beat the pavement looking for work> c : to strike directly against forcefully and repeatedly : dash against d : to flap or thrash at vigorously e : to strike at in order to rouse game also : to range over in or as if in quest of game f : to mix by stirring : WHIP ― often used with up g : to strike repeatedly in order to produce music or a signal < beat a drum>
2 a : to drive or force by blows < beat back his attackers> b : to pound into a powder, paste, or pulp c : to make by repeated treading or driving over < beat a path> d (1) : to dislodge by repeated hitting < beat dust from the carpet> (2) : to lodge securely by repeated striking < beat a stake into the ground> e : to shape by beating < beat swords into plowshares> especially : to flatten thin by blows f : to sound or express especially by drumbeat
3 : to cause to strike or flap repeatedly <a bird beat ing its wings>
4 a : OVERCOME , DEFEAT also : SURPASS ― often used with out b : to prevail despite < beat the odds> c : BEWILDER , BAFFLE <it beat s me how she does it> d (1) : FATIGUE , EXHAUST (2) : to leave dispirited, irresolute, or hopeless e : CHEAT , SWINDLE
5 a (1) : to act ahead of usually so as to forestall (2) : to report a news item in advance of b : to come or arrive before c : CIRCUMVENT < beat the system> d : to outmaneuver (a defender) and get free e : to score against (a goalkeeper)
6 : to indicate by beating < beat the tempo>
intransitive verb
1 a : to become forcefully impelled : DASH b : to glare or strike with oppressive intensity c : to sustain distracting activity d : to beat a drum
2 a (1) : PULSATE , THROB (2) : TICK b : to sound upon being struck
3 a : to strike repeated blows < beat ing on the door> b : to strike the air : FLAP c : to strike cover in order to rouse game also : to range or scour for or as if for game
4 : to progress with much difficulty
5 : to sail to windward by a series of tacks
– beat · able \ ' b ē -t ə -b ə l \ adjective
– beat about the bush or beat around the bush : to fail or refuse to come to the point in discourse
– beat a retreat : to leave in haste
– beat it
1 : to hurry away : SCRAM
– beat one's brains out : to try intently to resolve something difficult by thinking
– beat the bushes : to search thoroughly through all possible areas
– beat the drum : to proclaim as meritorious or significant : publicize vigorously
– beat the pants off : to defeat or surpass overwhelmingly
– beat the rap : to escape or evade the penalties connected with an accusation or charge
– beat up on : to attack physically or verbally
– to beat the band : in a very energetic or forceful manner <talking away to beat the band >