Pronunciation: ' bed
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bedd; akin to Old High German betti bed, Latin fodere to dig
Date: before 12th century
1 a : a piece of furniture on or in which to lie and sleep b (1) : a place of sex relations (2) : marital relationship (3) : close association : CAHOOTS <a legislator in bed with lobbyists> c : a place for sleeping d : SLEEP also : a time for sleeping <took a walk before bed > e (1) : a mattress filled with soft material (2) : BEDSTEAD f : the equipment and services needed to care for one hospitalized patient or hotel guest
2 : a flat or level surface: as a : a plot of ground prepared for plants also : the plants grown in such a plot b : the bottom of a body of water especially : an area of sea bottom supporting a heavy growth of a particular organism <an oyster bed >
3 : a supporting surface or structure : FOUNDATION
5 a : the place or material in which a block or brick is laid b : the lower surface of a brick, slate, or tile
6 : a mass or heap resembling a bed <a bed of ashes> <served on a bed of lettuce>
– in bed : in the act of sexual intercourse