Pronunciation: ' bl ə f
Function: adjective
Etymology: obsolete Dutch blaf flat; akin to Middle Low German blaff smooth
Date: 1627
1 a : having a broad flattened front b : rising steeply with a broad flat or rounded front
2 : good-naturedly frank and outspoken
– bluff · ly adverb
– bluff · ness noun
synonyms BLUFF , BLUNT , BRUSQUE , CURT , CRUSTY , GRUFF mean abrupt and unceremonious in speech and manner. BLUFF connotes good-natured outspokenness and unconventionality <a bluff manner>. BLUNT suggests directness of expression in disregard of others' feelings <a blunt appraisal>. BRUSQUE applies to a sharpness or ungraciousness <a brusque response>. CURT implies disconcerting shortness or rude conciseness <a curt command>. CRUSTY suggests a harsh or surly manner sometimes concealing an inner kindliness <a crusty exterior>. GRUFF suggests a hoarse or husky speech which may imply bad temper but more often implies embarrassment or shyness <puts on a gruff pose>.