Pronunciation: ' b ō
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English bowe, from Old English boga; akin to Old English b ū gan
Date: before 12th century
1 a : something bent into a simple curve b : RAINBOW
2 : a weapon that is made of a strip of flexible material (as wood) with a cord connecting the two ends and holding the strip bent and that is used to propel an arrow
4 a : a metal ring or loop forming a handle (as of a key) b : a knot formed by doubling a ribbon or string into two or more loops c : BOW TIE 1 d : a frame for the lenses of eyeglasses also : the sidepiece of the frame passing over the ear
5 a : a wooden rod with horsehairs stretched from end to end used in playing an instrument of the viol or violin family b : a stroke of such a bow