Meaning of BURY in English


Pronunciation: ' ber- ē , ' be-r ē also ' b ə r-

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form: bur · ied ; bury · ing

Etymology: Middle English burien, from Old English byrgan; akin to Old High German bergan to shelter, Russian berech' to spare

Date: before 12th century

1 : to dispose of by depositing in or as if in the earth especially : to inter with funeral ceremonies

2 a : to conceal by or as if by covering with earth b : to cover from view < buried her face in her hands>

3 a : to have done with < bury ing their differences> b : to conceal in obscurity < buried the retraction among the classified ads> c : SUBMERGE , ENGROSS ― usually used with in < buried himself in his books>

4 : to put (a playing card) out of play by placing it in or under the dealer's pack

5 : to succeed emphatically or impressively in making (a shot) < bury a jumper> < bury a putt>

6 : to defeat overwhelmingly

synonyms see HIDE

– bury the hatchet : to settle a disagreement : become reconciled

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.