Meaning of CAPSULE in English


Pronunciation: ' kap-s ə l, -( ˌ )sül also - ˌ syül

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from Latin capsula, diminutive of capsa box ― more at CASE

Date: circa 1693

1 a : a membrane or sac enclosing a body part (as a knee joint or kidney) b : either of two layers of white matter in the cerebrum

2 : a closed receptacle containing spores or seeds: as a : a dry dehiscent usually many-seeded fruit composed of two or more carpels b : the spore case of a moss

3 : a shell usually of gelatin for packaging something (as a drug or vitamins) also : a usually medicinal or nutritional preparation for oral use consisting of the shell and its contents

4 : an often polysaccharide envelope surrounding a microorganism

5 : an extremely brief condensation : OUTLINE , SURVEY

6 a : a compact often sealed and detachable container or compartment b : a small pressurized compartment or vehicle (as for space flight or emergency escape)

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