Meaning of CARNAL in English


Pronunciation: ' kär-n ə l

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French carnel, charnel, from Late Latin carnalis, from Latin carn-, caro flesh; akin to Greek keirein to cut ― more at SHEAR

Date: 14th century

1 a : relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites b : marked by sexuality < carnal love>

2 : BODILY , CORPOREAL <seen with carnal eyes>

3 a : TEMPORAL < carnal weapons> b : WORLDLY <a carnal mind>

– car · nal · i · ty \ kär- ' na-l ə -t ē \ noun

– car · nal · ly \ ' kär-n ə -l ē \ adverb

synonyms CARNAL , FLESHLY , SENSUAL , ANIMAL mean having a relation to the body. CARNAL may mean only this but more often connotes derogatorily an action or manifestation of a person's lower nature <a slave to carnal desires>. FLESHLY is less derogatory than CARNAL <a saint who had experienced fleshly temptations>. SENSUAL may apply to any gratification of a bodily desire or pleasure but commonly implies sexual appetite with absence of the spiritual or intellectual <fleshpots providing sensual delights>. ANIMAL stresses the physical as distinguished from the rational nature of a person <led a mindless animal existence>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.