Pronunciation: ' s ə r-t ə - ˌ f ī
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: -fied ; -fy · ing
Etymology: Middle English certifien, from Anglo-French certefier, from Late Latin certificare, from Latin certus certain ― more at CERTAIN
Date: 14th century
1 : to attest authoritatively: as a : CONFIRM b : to present in formal communication c : to attest as being true or as represented or as meeting a standard d : to attest officially to the insanity of
2 : to inform with certainty : ASSURE
3 : to guarantee (a personal check) as to signature and amount by so indicating on the face
4 : to recognize as having met special qualifications (as of a governmental agency or professional board) within a field <agencies that certify teachers>
– cer · ti · fi · er \ - ˌ f ī (- ə )r \ noun
synonyms CERTIFY , ATTEST , WITNESS , VOUCH mean to testify to the truth or genuineness of something. CERTIFY usually applies to a written statement, especially one carrying a signature or seal < certified that the candidate had met all requirements>. ATTEST applies to oral or written testimony usually from experts or witnesses < attested to the authenticity of the document>. WITNESS applies to the subscribing of one's own name to a document as evidence of its genuineness < witnessed the signing of the will>. VOUCH applies to one who testifies as a competent authority or a reliable person <willing to vouch for her integrity>. synonym see in addition APPROVE