Pronunciation: ' cho ̇ is
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English chois, from Anglo-French, from choisir to choose, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German kiosan to choose ― more at CHOOSE
Date: 13th century
1 : the act of choosing : SELECTION <finding it hard to make a choice >
2 : power of choosing : OPTION <you have no choice >
3 a : the best part : CREAM b : a person or thing chosen <she was their first choice >
4 : a number and variety to choose among <a plan with a wide choice of options>
5 : care in selecting
6 : a grade of meat between prime and good
– of choice : to be preferred
synonyms CHOICE , OPTION , ALTERNATIVE , PREFERENCE , SELECTION , ELECTION mean the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen. CHOICE suggests the opportunity or privilege of choosing freely <freedom of choice >. OPTION implies a power to choose that is specifically granted or guaranteed <the option of paying now or later>. ALTERNATIVE implies a need to choose one and reject another possibility <equally attractive alternatives >. PREFERENCE suggests a choice guided by one's judgment or predilections <a preference for cool weather>. SELECTION implies a range of choice <a varied selection of furniture>. ELECTION implies an end or purpose which requires exercise of judgment <doing a tax return forces certain elections on you>.