Pronunciation: ' kl ā
Function: noun
Usage: often attrib
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cl ǣ g; akin to Old High German kl ī wa bran, Latin gluten glue, Middle Greek glia
Date: before 12th century
1 a : an earthy material that is plastic when moist but hard when fired, that is composed mainly of fine particles of hydrous aluminum silicates and other minerals, and that is used for brick, tile, and pottery specifically : soil composed chiefly of this material having particles less than a specified size b : EARTH , MUD
2 a : a substance that resembles clay in plasticity and is used for modeling b : the human body as distinguished from the spirit c : fundamental nature or character <the common clay >
– clay · ey \ ' kl ā - ē \ adjective
– clay · ish \ ' kl ā -ish \ adjective
– clay · like \ - ˌ l ī k \ adjective