Meaning of CONTRAST in English


Pronunciation: k ə n- ' trast, ' kän- ˌ

Function: verb

Etymology: French contraster, from Middle French, to oppose, resist, alteration of contrester, from Vulgar Latin *contrastare, from Latin contra- + stare to stand ― more at STAND

Date: 1646

transitive verb : to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences < contrast European and American manners> ― often used with to or with < contrast ing her with other women ― Victoria Sackville-West>

intransitive verb : to form a contrast

synonyms see COMPARE

– con · trast · able \ - ' tras-t ə -b ə l, - ˌ tras- \ adjective

– con · trast · ing · ly \ -ti ŋ -l ē \ adverb

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.