Pronunciation: ' d ī - ə -s ə s, - ˌ s ē s, - ˌ s ē z
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -ces · es \ ' d ī - ə -s ə -s ə z, - ˌ s ē -z ə z, ÷ ' d ī - ə - ˌ s ē z \
Etymology: Middle English diocise, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin diocesis, alteration of dioecesis, from Latin, administrative division, from Greek dioik ē sis administration, administrative division, from dioikein to keep house, govern, from dia- + oikein to dwell, manage, from oikos house ― more at VICINITY
Date: 14th century
: the territorial jurisdiction of a bishop
– di · oc · e · san \ d ī - ' ä-s ə -s ə n also ' d ī - ə - ˌ s ē -s ə n \ adjective