ˈdīəsə̇s also -īəˌsēz or -īəˌsēs sometimes -īəˌsis noun
( plural dioces·es -īəsə̇sə̇z, -īəˌsēzə̇z, -īəˌsēsə̇z, ÷-īəˌsēz sometimes -īəˌsisə̇z or ÷dīˈäsəsə̇z)
Etymology: Middle English diocise, from Middle French diocese, diocise, from Late Latin diocesis, alteration of dioecesis, from Latin, administrative division of a country, from Greek dioikēsis administrative division of a country, administration, from dioikein to keep house, administer, govern (from dia through + oikein to have one's dwelling place, keep house, from oikos house) + -sis — more at dia- , vicinity
a. : the circuit or extent of a bishop's jurisdiction : the district in which a bishop has ecclesiastical authority — compare eparchy
b. : sphere of authority
2. : an administrative division of a country ; especially : a division of a prefecture of the Roman Empire