Meaning of EUKARYOTE in English


Variant: also eu · cary · ote

Pronunciation: ( ˌ )yü- ' ker- ē - ˌ ō t, - ə t, - ' ka-r ē -

Function: noun

Etymology: New Latin Eukaryotes, proposed subdivision of protists, from eu- + kary- + -otes, plural noun suffix, from Greek - ō tos ― more at -OTIC

Date: 1943

: any of a domain (Eukarya) or a higher taxonomic group (Eukaryota) above the kingdom that includes organisms composed of one or more cells containing visibly evident nuclei and organelles ― compare ARCHAEA , BACTERIUM , PROKARYOTE

– eu · kary · ot · ic \ - ˌ ker- ē - ' ä-tik, - ˌ ka-r ē - \ adjective

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