Pronunciation: ik- ' spl ā n
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English explanen, from Latin explanare, literally, to make level, from ex- + planus level, flat ― more at FLOOR
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1 a : to make known < explain the secret of your success> b : to make plain or understandable <footnotes that explain the terms>
2 : to give the reason for or cause of <unable to explain his strange conduct>
3 : to show the logical development or relationships of < explain ed the new theory>
intransitive verb : to make something plain or understandable <a report that suggests rather than explain s >
– ex · plain · able \ - ' spl ā -n ə -b ə l \ adjective
– ex · plain · er noun
– explain oneself : to clarify one's statements or the reasons for one's conduct
synonyms EXPLAIN , EXPOUND , EXPLICATE , ELUCIDATE , INTERPRET mean to make something clear or understandable. EXPLAIN implies a making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known < explain the rules>. EXPOUND implies a careful often elaborate explanation < expounding a scientific theory>. EXPLICATE adds the idea of a developed or detailed analysis < explicate a poem>. ELUCIDATE stresses the throwing of light upon as by offering details or motives previously unclear or only implicit < elucidate an obscure passage>. INTERPRET adds to EXPLAIN the need for imagination or sympathy or special knowledge in dealing with something < interpreting a work of art>.