Meaning of FRET in English


Pronunciation: ' fret

Function: verb

Inflected Form: fret · ted ; fret · ting

Etymology: Middle English, to devour, fret, from Old English fretan to devour; akin to Old High German frezzan to devour, ezzan to eat ― more at EAT

Date: 12th century

transitive verb

1 a : to eat or gnaw into : CORRODE also : FRAY b : RUB , CHAFE c : to make by wearing away a substance <the stream fretted a channel>

2 : to cause to suffer emotional strain : VEX

3 : to pass (as time) in fretting


intransitive verb

1 a : to eat into something b : to affect something as if by gnawing or biting : GRATE

2 a : WEAR , CORRODE b : CHAFE c : FRAY 1

3 a : to become vexed or worried b of running water : to become agitated

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