Meaning of FUNDAMENTAL in English


Pronunciation: ˌ f ə n-d ə - ' men-t ə l

Function: adjective

Date: 15th century

1 a : serving as an original or generating source : PRIMARY <a discovery fundamental to modern computers> b : serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : BASIC

2 a : of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : RADICAL < fundamental change> also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application < fundamental science> b : adhering to fundamentalism

3 : of, relating to, or produced by the lowest component of a complex vibration

4 : of central importance : PRINCIPAL < fundamental purpose>

5 : belonging to one's innate or ingrained characteristics : DEEP-ROOTED <her fundamental good humor>

synonyms see ESSENTIAL

– fun · da · men · tal · ly \ -t ə l- ē \ adverb

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.