Pronunciation: ' ga-l ə - ˌ w ā
Function: geographical name
former district SW Scotland comprising area formerly in counties of Wigtown & Kirkcudbright ― see DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY
– Gal · we · gian \ gal- ' w ē -j( ē -) ə n \ adjective or noun
Pronunciation: ' ga-l ə - ˌ w ā
Function: geographical name
former district SW Scotland comprising area formerly in counties of Wigtown & Kirkcudbright ― see DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY
– Gal · we · gian \ gal- ' w ē -j( ē -) ə n \ adjective or noun
Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary. Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка. 2012