Pronunciation: ' h ō l- ˌ st ī n, - ˌ st ē n; ' ho ̇ l- ˌ sht ī n
Function: geographical name
region N Germany S of Jutland Peninsula adjoining Schleswig; once a duchy of Denmark, became a part of Prussia 1866 ― see SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN
Pronunciation: ' h ō l- ˌ st ī n, - ˌ st ē n; ' ho ̇ l- ˌ sht ī n
Function: geographical name
region N Germany S of Jutland Peninsula adjoining Schleswig; once a duchy of Denmark, became a part of Prussia 1866 ― see SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN
Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary. Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка. 2012