Pronunciation: in- ' kl ī n
Function: verb
Inflected Form: in · clined ; in · clin · ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French incliner, encliner, from Latin inclinare, from in- + clinare to lean ― more at LEAN
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1 : to bend the head or body forward : BOW
2 : to lean, tend, or become drawn toward an opinion or course of conduct
3 : to deviate from a line, direction, or course specifically : to deviate from the vertical or horizontal
transitive verb
1 : to cause to stoop or bow : BEND
2 : to have influence on : PERSUADE <his love of books inclined him toward a literary career>
3 : to give a bend or slant to
– in · clin · er noun
synonyms INCLINE , BIAS , DISPOSE , PREDISPOSE mean to influence one to have or take an attitude toward something. INCLINE implies a tendency to favor one of two or more actions or conclusions <I incline to agree>. BIAS suggests a settled and predictable leaning in one direction and connotes unfair prejudice <the experience biased him against foreigners>. DISPOSE suggests an affecting of one's mood or temper so as to incline one toward something <her nature disposes her to trust others>. PREDISPOSE implies the operation of a disposing influence well in advance of the opportunity to manifest itself <does fictional violence predispose them to accept real violence?>.