Pronunciation: in- ' kr ē s, ' in- ˌ
Function: verb
Inflected Form: in · creased ; in · creas · ing
Etymology: Middle English encresen, from Anglo-French encreistre, from Latin increscere, from in- + crescere to grow ― more at CRESCENT
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1 : to become progressively greater (as in size, amount, number, or intensity)
2 : to multiply by the production of young
transitive verb
1 : to make greater : AUGMENT
2 obsolete : ENRICH
– in · creas · able \ - ' kr ē -s ə -b ə l, - ˌ kr ē - \ adjective
– in · creas · er noun
synonyms INCREASE , ENLARGE , AUGMENT , MULTIPLY mean to make or become greater. INCREASE used intransitively implies progressive growth in size, amount, or intensity <his waistline increased with age>; used transitively it may imply simple not necessarily progressive addition < increased her landholdings>. ENLARGE implies expansion or extension that makes greater in size or capacity < enlarged the kitchen>. AUGMENT implies addition to what is already well grown or well developed <the inheritance augmented his fortune>. MULTIPLY implies increase in number by natural generation or by indefinite repetition of a process <with each attempt the problems multiplied >.