Pronunciation: ' in-j ə r
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: in · jured ; in · jur · ing \ ' inj-ri ŋ , ' in-j ə - \
Etymology: Middle English enjuren, from Anglo-French *enjurer, from Late Latin injuriare, from Latin injuria injury
Date: 15th century
1 a : to do an injustice to : WRONG b : to harm, impair, or tarnish the standing of < injured his reputation> c : to give pain to < injure a person's pride>
2 a : to inflict bodily hurt on b : to impair the soundness of < injured her health> c : to inflict material damage or loss on
– in · jur · er \ ' in-j ə r- ə r \ noun
synonyms INJURE , HARM , HURT , DAMAGE , IMPAIR , MAR mean to affect injuriously. INJURE implies the inflicting of anything detrimental to one's looks, comfort, health, or success <badly injured in an accident>. HARM often stresses the inflicting of pain, suffering, or loss <careful not to harm the animals>. HURT implies inflicting a wound to the body or to the feelings < hurt by their callous remarks>. DAMAGE suggests injury that lowers value or impairs usefulness <a table damaged in shipping>. IMPAIR suggests a making less complete or efficient by deterioration or diminution <years of smoking had impaired his health>. MAR applies to injury that spoils perfection (as of a surface) or causes disfigurement <the text is marred by many typos>.