Meaning of ITEM in English


Pronunciation: ' ī -t ə m

Function: noun

Date: 1561

1 obsolete : WARNING , HINT

2 : a distinct part in an enumeration, account, or series : ARTICLE

3 : an object of attention, concern, or interest

4 : a separate piece of news or information

5 : a couple in a romantic or sexual relationship

synonyms ITEM , DETAIL , PARTICULAR mean one of the distinct parts of a whole. ITEM applies to each thing specified separately in a list or in a group of things that might be listed or enumerated <every item on the list>. DETAIL applies to one of the small component parts of a larger whole such as a task, building, painting, narration, or process <leave the details to others>. PARTICULAR stresses the smallness, singleness, and especially the concreteness of a detail or item <a description that included few particulars >.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.