Meaning of LAP in English


Pronunciation: ' lap

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English lappe, from Old English læppa; akin to Old High German lappa flap

Date: before 12th century

1 a : a loose overlapping or hanging panel or flap especially of a garment b archaic : the skirt of a coat or dress

2 a : the clothing that lies on the knees, thighs, and lower part of the trunk when one sits b : the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person

3 : responsible custody : CONTROL <going to drop the whole thing in your lap ― Hamilton Basso>

– lap · ful \ ' lap- ˌ fu ̇ l \ noun

– the lap of luxury : an environment of great ease, comfort, and wealth <was reared in the lap of luxury >

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.