Meaning of MARSHMALLOW in English


Pronunciation: ' märsh- ˌ me-l ō , - ˌ ma-

Function: noun

Date: before 12th century

1 : a pink-flowered European perennial herb ( Althaea officinalis ) of the mallow family that is naturalized in the eastern U.S. and has flowers, leaves, and roots used in herbal remedies

2 : a sweet white confection usually in the form of a spread or small spongy cylindrical pieces now usually made from corn syrup, sugar, albumen, and gelatin but formerly from the marshmallow's root also : one of these spongy pieces <toasted marshmallow s on sticks over a campfire>

– marsh · mal · lowy \ - ˌ me-l ə -w ē , - ˌ ma- \ adjective

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