Meaning of MITOCHONDRION in English


Pronunciation: ˌ m ī -t ə - ' kän-dr ē - ə n

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural -dria \ -dr ē - ə \

Etymology: New Latin, from Greek mitos thread + chondrion, diminutive of chondros grain

Date: 1901

: any of various round or long cellular organelles of most eukaryotes that are found outside the nucleus, produce energy for the cell through cellular respiration, and are rich in fats, proteins, and enzymes ― see CELL illustration

– mi · to · chon · dri · al \ -dr ē - ə l \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.