Meaning of PANAMA in English


Variant: or Spanish Pa · na · má

Pronunciation: ' pa-n ə - ˌ mä, - ˌ mo ̇ , ˌ pa-n ə - ' ; ˌ pä-nä- ' mä

Function: geographical name

1 country S Central America; a republic; before 1903 part of Colombia area (including Canal Zone) 33,659 sq mi (87,177 sq km ), pop 2,839,177

2 or Panama City city & port, its capital, on Gulf of Panama pop 411,549

3 ship canal 51 mi (82 km ) cen Panama connecting the Atlantic (Caribbean Sea) & the Pacific (Gulf of Panama)

– Pan · a · ma · ni · an \ ˌ pa-n ə - ' m ā -n ē - ə n \ adjective or noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.