Meaning of PANAMA in English

I. ˈpanəˌmä, -mȧ, -mȯ, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ adjective

Etymology: from Panama, republic in Central America

1. usually capitalized : of or from the republic of Panama : of the kind or style prevalent in Panama : panamanian

2. or panama city usually capitalized P&C

[from Panama City, Panama]

: of or from Panama City, the capital of Panama : of the kind or style prevalent in Panama City

II. noun

Etymology: AmSpanish panamá, from Panama, Central America, probably from Tupi panamá butterfly, migration of butterflies

1. also panama tree -s usually capitalized P : a large handsome tree ( Sterculia apetala ) of tropical America having oily edible seeds

2. -s

a. or panama hat often capitalized P

[so called from Panama being formerly its chief center of distribution]

: a fine lightweight hat of natural-colored straw hand-plaited of narrow strips from the young leaves of the jipijapa ; also : a machine-made imitation of this — compare toquilla

b. : a straw made from jipijapa


a. usually capitalized : an American breed of sheep developed by crossing Lincoln rams on Rambouillet ewes

b. -s often capitalized : a sheep of this breed

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