Function: verb
Inflected Form: piped ; pip · ing
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb
1 a : to play on a pipe b : to convey orders by signals on a boatswain's pipe
2 a : to speak in a high or shrill voice b : to emit a shrill sound
transitive verb
1 a : to play (a tune) on a pipe b : to utter in the shrill tone of a pipe
2 a : to lead or cause to go with pipe music b (1) : to call or direct by the boatswain's pipe (2) : to receive aboard or attend the departure of by sounding a boatswain's pipe
3 : to trim with piping
4 : to furnish or equip with pipes
5 : to convey by or as if by pipes especially : to transmit by wire or coaxial cable