Meaning of POT in English


Pronunciation: ' pät

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pott; akin to Middle Low German pot pot

Date: before 12th century

1 a : a usually rounded metal or earthen container used chiefly for domestic purposes (as in cooking or for holding liquids or growing plants) also : any of various technical or industrial vessels or enclosures resembling or likened to a household pot <the pot of a still> b : POTFUL <a pot of coffee>

2 : an enclosed framework of wire, wood, or wicker for catching fish or lobsters

3 a : a large amount (as of money) b (1) : the total of the bets at stake at one time (2) : one round in a poker game c : the common fund of a group



6 : RUIN <gone to pot >

7 British : a shot in snooker in which a ball is pocketed

8 : a vessel for urination and defecation: as a : TOILET 3B b : POTTY

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