Meaning of PUNGENT in English


Pronunciation: -j ə nt

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin pungent-, pungens, present participle of pungere to prick, sting; akin to Latin pugnus fist, pugnare to fight, Greek pygm ē fist

Date: 1597

1 : sharply painful

2 : having a stiff and sharp point < pungent leaves>

3 a : marked by a sharp incisive quality : CAUSTIC <a pungent critic> < pungent language> b : being sharp and to the point

4 a : causing a sharp or irritating sensation especially : ACRID b : having an intense flavor or odor <a pungent chili>

– pun · gent · ly adverb

synonyms PUNGENT , PIQUANT , POIGNANT , RACY mean sharp and stimulating to the mind or the senses. PUNGENT implies a sharp, stinging, or biting quality especially of odors <a cheese with a pungent odor>. PIQUANT suggests a power to whet the appetite or interest through tartness or mild pungency <a piquant sauce>. POIGNANT suggests something is sharply or piercingly effective in stirring one's emotions <felt a poignant sense of loss>. RACY implies having a strongly characteristic natural quality fresh and unimpaired <spontaneous, racy prose>.

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