— pungency , n. — pungently , adv.
/pun"jeuhnt/ , adj.
1. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid.
2. acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.
3. caustic, biting, or sharply expressive: pungent remarks.
4. mentally stimulating or appealing: pungent wit.
5. Biol. piercing or sharp-pointed.
[ 1590-1600; pungent- (s. of pungens ), prp. of pungere to prick. See POIGNANT, POINT, -ENT ]
Syn. 1. hot, peppery, piquant, sharp. 3. sarcastic, mordant, cutting; acrimonious, bitter. 4. keen, sharp.
Ant. 1. mild, bland. 3. soothing. 4. dull.