Pronunciation: ' ri-p ə l
Function: verb
Inflected Form: rip · pled ; rip · pling \ -p( ə -)li ŋ \
Etymology: perhaps frequentative of 1 rip
Date: circa 1671
intransitive verb
1 a : to become lightly ruffled or covered with small waves b : to flow in small waves c : to fall in soft undulating folds <the scarf rippled to the floor>
2 : to flow with a light rise and fall of sound or inflection <laughter rippled over the audience>
3 : to move with an undulating motion or so as to cause ripples <the canoe rippled through the water>
4 : to have or produce a ripple effect : SPREAD <the news rippled outwards>
transitive verb
1 : to stir up small waves on
2 : to impart a wavy motion or appearance to < rippling his arm muscles>
3 : to utter or play with a slight rise and fall of sound
– rip · pler \ -p( ə -)l ə r \ noun