Pronunciation: ' sker- ə - ˌ f ī
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: -fied ; -fy · ing
Etymology: Middle English scarifien, from Middle French scarefier, from Late Latin scarificare, alteration of Latin scarifare, from Greek skariphasthai to scratch an outline, sketch ― more at SCRIBE
Date: 14th century
1 : to make scratches or small cuts in (as the skin) < scarify an area for vaccination>
2 : to lacerate the feelings of
3 : to break up, loosen, or roughen the surface of (as a field or road)
4 : to cut or soften the wall of (a hard seed) to hasten germination
– scar · i · fi · er \ - ˌ f ī (- ə )r \ noun