Pronunciation: ˌ se-m ē , - ˌ m ī , -mi
Function: prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin; akin to Old High German s ā mi- half, Greek h ē mi-
1 a : precisely half of: (1) : forming a bisection of < semi diameter> (2) : being a usually vertically bisected form of (a specified architectural feature) < semi dome> b : half in quantity or value : half of or occurring halfway through a specified period of time < semi annual> < semi monthly> ― compare BI-
2 : to some extent : partly : incompletely < semi civilized> < semi- independent> < semi dry> ― compare DEMI- , HEMI-
3 a : partial : incomplete < semi consciousness> < semi darkness> b : having some of the characteristics of < semi porcelain> c : QUASI- < semi governmental> < semi monastic>