Pronunciation: ' set- ˌ ə p
Function: noun
Date: 1890
1 a : carriage of the body especially : erect and soldierly bearing b : CONSTITUTION , MAKEUP
2 a : the assembly and arrangement of the tools and apparatus required for the performance of an operation b : the preparation and adjustment of machines for an assigned task
3 a : a table setting b : glass, ice, and mixer served to patrons who supply their own liquor
4 a : a camera position from which a scene is filmed also : the footage taken from one camera position b : the final arrangement of the scenery and properties for a scene of a theatrical or cinematic production
5 a : a position of the balls in billiards or pool from which it is easy to score b : a task or contest purposely made easy c : something easy to get or accomplish d : something (as a plot) that has been constructed or contrived e : the execution of a planned scoring play in sports
6 a : the manner in which the elements or components of a machine, apparatus, or mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic system are arranged, designed, or assembled b : the patterns within which political, social, or administrative forces operate : customary or established practice
8 : something done by deceit or trickery in order to compromise or frame someone