Meaning of SINISTER in English


Pronunciation: ' si-n ə s-t ə r, archaic s ə - ' nis-

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English sinistre, from Anglo-French senestre on the left, from Latin sinistr-, sinister on the left side, unlucky, inauspicious

Date: 15th century


2 archaic : FRAUDULENT

3 : singularly evil or productive of evil

4 a : of, relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something especially : being or relating to the side of a heraldic shield at the left of the person bearing it b : of ill omen by reason of being on the left

5 : presaging ill fortune or trouble

6 : accompanied by or leading to disaster

– sin · is · ter · ly adverb

– sin · is · ter · ness noun

synonyms SINISTER , BALEFUL , MALIGN mean seriously threatening evil or disaster. SINISTER suggests a general or vague feeling of fear or apprehension on the part of the observer <a sinister aura haunts the place>. BALEFUL imputes perniciousness or destructiveness to something whether working openly or covertly <exerting a corrupt and baleful influence>. MALIGN applies to what is inherently evil or harmful <the malign effects of racism>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.