Pronunciation: ' slip- ˌ o ̇ n, - ˌ än
Function: noun
Date: 1815
: an article of clothing that is easily slipped on or off: as a : a glove or shoe without fastenings b : a garment (as a girdle) that one steps into and pulls up c : PULLOVER
Pronunciation: ' slip- ˌ o ̇ n, - ˌ än
Function: noun
Date: 1815
: an article of clothing that is easily slipped on or off: as a : a glove or shoe without fastenings b : a garment (as a girdle) that one steps into and pulls up c : PULLOVER
Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary. Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка. 2012