I. ˈslip verb
( slipped ; slip·ping )
Etymology: Middle English slippen, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German; akin to Middle High German slipfen to slide, Old High German slīfan to smooth, and perhaps to Greek olibros slippery
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
a. : to move with a smooth sliding motion
b. : to move quietly and cautiously : steal
c. : elapse , pass
(1) : to escape from memory or consciousness
(2) : to become uttered through inadvertence
b. : to pass quickly or easily away : become lost
let an opportunity slip
3. : to fall into error or fault : lapse
a. : to slide out of place or away from a support or one's grasp
b. : to slide on or down a slippery surface
slip on the stairs
c. : to flow smoothly
5. : to get speedily into or out of clothing
slipped into his coat
6. : to fall off from a standard or accustomed level by degrees : decline
7. : sideslip
transitive verb
1. : to cause to move easily and smoothly : slide
a. : to get away from : elude , evade
slipped his pursuers
b. : to free oneself from
the dog slipped its collar
c. : to escape from (one's memory or notice)
their names slip my mind
3. : shed , cast
the snake slipped its skin
4. : to put on (a garment) quickly — usually used with on
slip on a coat
a. : to let loose from a restraining leash or grasp
b. : to cause to slip open : release , undo
slip a lock
c. : to let go of
d. : to disengage from (an anchor) instead of hauling
a. : to insert, place, or pass quietly or secretly
b. : to give or pay on the sly
7. : slink , abort
8. : dislocate
slipped his shoulder
9. : to transfer (a stitch) from one needle to another without working a stitch
10. : to avoid (a punch) by moving the body or head quickly to one side
II. noun
Date: 15th century
a. : a sloping ramp extending out into the water to serve as a place for landing or repairing ships
b. : a ship's or boat's berth between two piers
2. : the act or an instance of departing secretly or hurriedly
gave his pursuer the slip
a. : a mistake in judgment, policy, or procedure
b. : an unintentional and trivial mistake or fault : lapse
a slip of the tongue
4. : a leash so made that it can be quickly slipped
a. : the act or an instance of slipping down or out of a place
a slip on the ice
also : a sudden mishap
b. : a movement dislocating parts (as of a rock or soil mass) ; also : the result of such movement
c. : a fall from some level or standard : decline
a slip in stock prices
a. : an undergarment made in dress length and usually having shoulder straps ; also : half-slip
b. : a case into which something is slipped ; specifically : pillowcase
7. : a disposition or tendency to slip easily
8. : the action of sideslipping : an instance of sideslipping
Synonyms: see error
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English slippe, probably from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German, split, slit, flap
Date: 15th century
a. : a small shoot or twig cut for planting or grafting : scion
b. : descendant , offspring
a. : a long narrow strip of material
b. : a small piece of paper
3. : a young and slender person
a slip of a girl
4. : a long seat or narrow pew
IV. transitive verb
( slipped ; slip·ping )
Date: 1530
: to take cuttings from (a plant) : divide into slips
slip a geranium
V. noun
Etymology: Middle English slyp slime, from Old English slypa slime, paste; akin to Old English slūpan to slip — more at sleeve
Date: 1640
: a mixture of finely divided clay and water used especially by potters (as for casting or decorating wares or in cementing separately formed parts)