Pronunciation: ' spärk
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sparke, from Old English spearca; akin to Middle Dutch sparke spark and perhaps to Latin spargere to scatter
Date: before 12th century
1 a : a small particle of a burning substance thrown out by a body in combustion or remaining when combustion is nearly completed b : a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass especially : one heated by friction
2 a : a luminous disruptive electrical discharge of very short duration between two conductors separated by a gas (as air) b : the discharge in a spark plug c : the mechanism controlling the discharge in a spark plug
4 : something that sets off a sudden force <provided the spark that helped the team to rally>
5 : a latent particle capable of growth or developing : GERM <still retains a spark of decency>
6 plural but singular in construction : a radio operator on a ship