Meaning of STATE in English


Pronunciation: ' st ā t

Function: noun

Usage: often attrib

Etymology: Middle English stat, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French estat, from Latin status, from stare to stand ― more at STAND

Date: 13th century

1 a : mode or condition of being <a state of readiness> b (1) : condition of mind or temperament <in a highly nervous state > (2) : a condition of abnormal tension or excitement

2 a : a condition or stage in the physical being of something <insects in the larval state > <the gaseous state of water> b : any of various conditions characterized by definite quantities (as of energy, angular momentum, or magnetic moment) in which an atomic system may exist

3 a : social position especially : high rank b (1) : elaborate or luxurious style of living (2) : formal dignity : POMP ― usually used with in

4 a : a body of persons constituting a special class in a society : ESTATE 3 b plural : the members or representatives of the governing classes assembled in a legislative body c obsolete : a person of high rank (as a noble)

5 a : a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory especially : one that is sovereign b : the political organization of such a body of people c : a government or politically organized society having a particular character <a police state > <the welfare state >

6 : the operations or concerns of the government of a country

7 a : one of the constituent units of a nation having a federal government <the fifty state s > b plural capitalized : The United States of America

8 : the territory of a state

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.