Meaning of STIRRUP in English


Pronunciation: ' st ə r- ə p also ' stir- ə p or ' st ə -r ə p

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English stirop, from Old English stigr ā p, from stig- (akin to Old High German st ī gan to go up) + r ā p rope ― more at STAIR , ROPE

Date: before 12th century

1 : either of a pair of small light frames or rings for receiving the foot of a rider that are attached by a strap to a saddle and used to aid in mounting and as a support while riding

2 : a piece resembling a stirrup: as a : one used as a support or clamp in carpentry and machinery b : a stirrup-shaped footrest

3 : a rope secured to a yard and attached to a thimble in its lower end for supporting a footrope


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