— stirrupless , adj. — stirruplike , adj.
/sterr"euhp, stir"-, stur"-/ , n.
1. a loop, ring, or other contrivance of metal, wood, leather, etc., suspended from the saddle of a horse to support the rider's foot.
2. any of various similar supports or clamps used for special purposes.
3. Naut. a short rope with an eye at the end hung from a yard to support a footrope, the footrope being rove through the eye.
4. Also called binder . (in reinforced-concrete constructions) a U-shaped or W-shaped bent rod for supporting longitudinal reinforcing rods.
5. Anat. stapes.
6. -
a. a strap of fabric or elastic at the bottom of a pair of pants, worn around and under the foot.
b. stirrups , ( used with a pl. v. ) close-fitting knit pants with such straps.
[ bef. 1000; ME; OE stigrap ( stige ascent + rap ROPE); c. G Stegreif ]