Meaning of TEMPERAMENT in English


Pronunciation: ' tem-p( ə -)r ə -m ə nt, -p ə r-m ə nt

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin temperamentum, from temperare to mix, temper

Date: 15th century

1 obsolete a : constitution of a substance, body, or organism with respect to the mixture or balance of its elements, qualities, or parts : MAKEUP b : COMPLEXION 1

2 obsolete a : CLIMATE b : TEMPERATURE 2

3 a : the peculiar or distinguishing mental or physical character determined by the relative proportions of the humors according to medieval physiology b : characteristic or habitual inclination or mode of emotional response <a nervous temperament > c : extremely high sensibility especially : excessive sensitiveness or irritability

4 a : the act or process of tempering or modifying : ADJUSTMENT , COMPROMISE b : middle course : MEAN

5 : the slight modification of acoustically pure intervals in tuning a musical instrument especially : modification that produces a set of 12 equally spaced tones to the octave

synonyms see DISPOSITION

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.