Meaning of TO in English


Pronunciation: ' tü

Function: adverb

Date: before 12th century

1 a ― used as a function word to indicate direction toward <feathers wrong end to > <run to and fro> b : close to the wind <the gale having gone over, we came to ― R. H. Dana>

2 a : into contact especially with the frame ― used of a door or a window <the door snapped to > b ― used as a function word to indicate physical application or attachment <he ⋯ hath set to his seal ― Jn 3:33(AV)>

3 ― used as a function word to indicate application or attention <will stand to ― Shakespeare>

4 : to a state of consciousness or awareness <brings her to with smelling salts>

5 : at hand : BY <get to see 'em close to ― Richard Llewellyn>

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.