Meaning of UMBRELLA in English


Pronunciation: ˌ ə m- ' bre-l ə , esp Southern ' ə m- ˌ

Function: noun

Etymology: Italian ombrella, modification of Latin umbella, diminutive of umbra

Date: 1611

1 : a collapsible shade for protection against weather consisting of fabric stretched over hinged ribs radiating from a central pole especially : a small one for carrying in the hand

2 : the bell-shaped or saucer-shaped largely gelatinous structure that forms the chief part of the body of most jellyfishes

3 : something which provides protection: as a : defensive air cover (as over a battlefront) b : a heavy barrage

4 : something which covers or embraces a broad range of elements or factors <decided to expand ⋯ by building new colleges under a federation umbrella ― Diane Ravitch>

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