[an.tique] n (1530) 1: a relic or object of ancient times
2. a: a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period and according to various customs laws at least 100 years ago b: a manufactured product (as an automobile) from an earlier period
[2]an.tique adj [MF, fr. L antiquus, fr. ante before--more at ante-] (1534) 1: existing since or belonging to earlier times: ancient "~ trade routes to the Orient"
2. a: being in the style or fashion of former times "~ manners and graces" b: made in or representative of the work of an earlier period "~ mirrors"; also: being an antique
3: selling or exhibiting antiques "an ~ show" syn see old [3]an.tique vb -tiqued ; -tiqu.ing vt (1923): to finish or refinish in antique style: give an appearance of age to ~ vi: to shop around for antiques -- an.tiqu.er n