[bal.loon] n [F ballon large football, balloon, fr. It dial. ballone large football, aug. of balla ball, of Gmc origin] (1783) 1: a nonporous bag of tough light material filled with heated air or a gas lighter than air so as to rise and float in the atmosphere
2: an inflatable bag (as of rubber) usu. used as a toy or for decoration
3: the outline enclosing words spoken or thought by a figure esp. in a cartoon
[2]balloon adj (ca. 1786) 1: relating to, resembling, or suggesting a balloon "a ~ sleeve"
2: being or having a final installment that is much larger than preceding ones in a term or installment note [3]balloon vi (1841) 1: to swell or puff out: expand "~ed to 200 pounds"
2: to ascend or travel in a balloon
3: to increase rapidly ~ vt: inflate, increase