[bast.ing] n (15c) 1: the action of a sewer who bastes
2. a: the thread used in basting b: the stitching made by basting
[2]basting n (1530) 1: the action of one that bastes food
2: the liquid used in basting [3]basting n (1590): a severe beating
[bast.ing] n (15c) 1: the action of a sewer who bastes
2. a: the thread used in basting b: the stitching made by basting
[2]basting n (1530) 1: the action of one that bastes food
2: the liquid used in basting [3]basting n (1590): a severe beating
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012